
Creating a social campaign the speaks to the idea of ‘finding your in’ whoever, and wherever, you are.

  • Each story focused on an unexpected career that you wouldn’t think to find or look into on LinkedIn. The work was intended to speak to those that least expect it.

    To visually tell the story of someone ‘finding their in’ on the LinkedIn platform, we utilized the assets and visuals that are so ownable and recognizable to the brand; the icons from their platform, the rounded corners of the logo, the logomark itself.

    By reimagining how each of these elements are used, paired with captivating photography that felt human, warm, and inviting, we were able to tell stories feel relatable and visually draw the user in.

  • Design - Olivia Piazza, Kalissa White

    Creative Direction - Erika Kohnen, Amy Werblin, Maria Kouninski, Jennifer Yoon

